An Escape From Reality

Fireflies in her eyes, painted on the canvas of life.
A beautiful lie, inviting sins on her velvety skin.

To desire her, is to hold a flicker of light through a storm.
For she is a dream held on with open eyes.

An intangible tempest, holding war with the sunshine.
A distant wish, to hold her once, like she is, just mine.

Luscious, appealing, charming and not yet revealing.
A flirtatious disaster, her images hold a fire burning.

That light, radiance, slipping from her every pore.
Not an illusion, but an escape from reality.


To not understand her, yet be within her.
Not just touching, but caressing her soul deep.

Like her charm, speaking in sinful whispers.
Exquisite, sublime her curves, I stand submitted for her to be murdered.

Oblivious to what’s right or wrong.
She tempts without tempting to hear her breaths like a song.

Forbidden, yet a sacrilegious wish, so beautiful,
Willing to be chastised through a heinous sin.

To hold and to surrender,
To her breathtakingly adorable,
To live through my dying hopes,
Holding life,
And my will to surrender,
A dream,
To kiss,
Some moments,
Of her,
Like heaven.
An escape from reality.

Adobe Certification Exams for Photographers

Photographers have four Adobe certification exams in two different Adobe solutions from which to choose when seeking to document their professional expertise and product specific skills and knowledge. All of the available exams earn successful test takers an Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) certification, allowing them to build their formal credentials and expand their area of validated expertise in their field.

The first two exams offered specifically for photographers focus on the Adobe Lightroom platform and include the Ligthtroom 2 (9A0-125) and the Lightroom 3 (9A0-159) exams. Both the 9A0-125 and the 9A0-159 exams demands photographers not only master the Lightroom platform, but are also capable of working with other Adobe products, including Camera Raw, Bridge and Photoshop.

Adobe Certification Exams for Photographers

The remaining photography-focused certification exams offered by Adobe cover the CS5 and CS6 versions of Photoshop. The Adobe Photoshop CS5 exam (9A0-150) required candidates to be capable of manipulating images, working with graphics, and staging files for output to print and web. The Photoshop CS6 exam also demands the mastery of these same skills, in addition to working with images in preparation for output to video as well.

Regardless of which Adobe certification exam candidates decide to pursue, they should gain hands on experience with program in which they intend to test before scheduling their exam. Successful candidates also take advantage of other exam prep resources, including tutorials and practice exam sessions offered by providers like

To set on fire, her frozen lips.

To set on fire her frozen lips,
So she can feel her lost bliss.

To kill her past,
Holding her as prisoner in dead memories.

To free her soul,
Of the apprehensions and decisions.

To find tears in her eyes,
Like finding an ocean in the desert.


To breathe colour into her skin,
Of frozen blood and sin.

To make her mine,
Hers, and mine.

To set on fire her frozen lips,
So she can feel her lost bliss.