I will be your home.

I will you be your home
Your life’s certainty.
Will lift you away
From the harsh realities of this world.
Warm you softly 
With the softest brush
Of our lips.


Will be your shelter
From your own tears,
From your own fears.
Will be the one you can take for granted.
I’ll wrap you within me
And make your life like your dreams.

Will hide you off
To the place we can call our world. 
Will be your happiness
Protecting you from your pains.

I will be your home,
Your happiness.

About romance and her eyes.

He: “So you think romance is about gowns, suits, and ties..?”
              She: “Yes. And also about ballroom dancing, kissing in the rain, and holding hands in the park..”

“Yes, may be. But you know what I think..”

“You! Your eyes, when you wake up from a peaceful slumber, like a work of art..”


“Without any make-up, disheveled hair, when you look just you..”
               “But, you know..”

“But… But the most incredible thing is how without even having to say anything, you speak so much..”
               “You’re not letting me speak..”

“Your perfect eyes speak all that needs to be expressed; they orchestrate our future and imagine our fate.”

“Good morning!”


She tucks herself within me and I am simply embracing her touch. But before I wanted to tell her how much more she is beautiful, I hear her humming ever so lightly, as she’s fallen back asleep in my arms, and I play the game; I’ve become accustomed to playing nearly every morning.. A romance, that is pure, gentle and non-worldly.

More than words.

If I am talking to you,
You don’t always have to talk.

Not your advices, nor your consolations,
If I am talking to you,
I’ll just ask you to stay around.
To let me know that you’re there,
And will always be.

Exhausted, most nights,
I patiently wait for gentle hands,
To hold me tight.

If am talking to you,
Assure me, that you understand.

Tell me, tell me it’s okay to cry.


Without saying a word,
Make your presence felt,
Often, all I need is,
To be heard.

..in love with your heart.

Rehan’s arms snaked their way around her waist, his nose nuzzling her ear when Ria was lost in her own world looking at the setting sun out her window with a well-kept sadness in the depths of her eyes. Her heart echoed reoccurring thought, one that would just throw her for a tail spin into a slight depression. Would she be as loved and cared for when she wouldn't as young and attractive anymore?

“Ria was quite sure how their togetherness would short-live, in his wishes; within a blink of an eye and she wouldn’t be there in Rehan’s life anymore. And he would move on. His kisses would fade, his voice would lose it’s echo. When her face sours and her youth fades with time, she would just be a forgotten story to him.”

Ria's dark lashes fluttered on him as her eyes shut while leaning back into Rehan's embrace, breathing in his known and warm fragrance with a guilty amount of greed. She would miss this someday; the lazy winter days when she would gaze out of the open window and freeze in his warm embrace.


Rehan whispering how much he desires her, how much he looks for his own life when she isn’t around; but he never shared anything. Never. Why? He knew he wouldn't get any older, yet here she was; dying right infront of him.

Probably because he was selfish and never wanted to give her up to that thought. His reassuring kisses calmed her gradually as she holds his hand and counts her breaths.

She will live, even after she is gone for she fell in love with his heart. She will live for him, in his heartbeats.

Of flirting with hopes..

We held breaths for too long, 
Might not even live further.

To meet, finally.
Holding the burnt thread of hope.

Let’s hug and burn, 
Kiss and be turned into ashes. 
We set each other on fire, 
Feed each other’s thirst too.

It’s us, I know.
It's there, I know.

Our eyes speak.
Let’s answer each other’s questions;
Not in words,
But in feelings.


Forever in turmoil,
Yet each other’s serenity of calm.

Like that burning desire before a storm 
Killing the power of passion.
You and I coalesce 
Through a ignited splinter.
While it rained.

Dancing. In pain.
Yet comforted by the droplets. 
The promises to never be away. 
Yet being forever apart.
But living in each other.
But never together
Yet, forever in love.



Eyes closed,
As fingers trail down her neck,
Tracing curves.

Smell of her perfume,
Whispering breaths,
Dancing through midnight.

Arms wrapped,
Engraved in each other.

Soft music, loud noises;
Too crowded,
Yet alone,

Staring into each other’s eyes,
Digging souls.
Secrets revealed.

Our skins brushed,
Lips at whispering distance,

Hours passed by,
felt like seconds.
Music ended,
we began.

Kissed her ears,
Whispered a promise,
to never love anyone else, ever.
If I ever lost her.


And then we cried,
And smiled,
And all she said..
You are mine,
And I love you..

we kissed..

About dreams kissing reality..

When dreams kissed reality,
sunshine touched clouds,
winds whispered rains..

That holding you tight,
and losing my fingers,
in your curls
and in the depth of your eyes..

Of wicked temptations,
careless whispers,
exploring curves..


To stumble through your lips
until I kiss you deep, where I'll rest my soul.
To sing a note
soft, gentle, in the golden husk of dawn.

Because you I remember,
like my each breath is written with your name.

For you are who I live,
and love.

Look for your answers in my breaths.

Look, I don’t know. And I’m hanging up now, have a long day tomorrow.
           Okay, but talk for a minute? Puh-leeeez, Sahil. Pleassse!?

Yes, Riddhi. What?
           Do you love me?

Are you serious, it’s 4 in the morning!!? 
           Sahil, that doesn’t answer my question.

I love you, a lot. Why did you ask, is it all fine?
          Hmm.. Was just trying to understand, why?

What? What, why?
          Why on earth do you love ME?

Why have you never bothered about growing up?
         Shut up! I’m not a kid. And just answer!

Okay answer me first, tell me why do I like breathing?
         Huh? There is nothing about liking it. You’d stop existing if you don’t.

Hmm.. So?
         ..So you mean it’s only because you love me and that is why you exist?


Something like that, yes. And can we sleep now? Will call you in the morning, first thing.
         Okayyyy! Good night, Sahil. Bbbbyeee!

Kiddo! Good nig…
         Aaaaannd wait, you’re my breaths too.


Let me touch you, for I miss my own life.

Let me hold you. Let me read out loud your heart's wishes, from the tears of your eyes.

Let me feel your warmth, this cold burns me.

Let me touch you and calm the burning storm, a volcano of emotions.

Let me hear your heart, how it whispers my name.

Let me read your bright loving eyes, to forget how ugly this world looks like.

Let me know, if your soul craves for mine.

Let me go deep in you, I think you think of me too.

Let me stop missing you, for the breeze keeps whispering your name into my soul.


Let me hurt you, so I’ll know it’s real.

Let me hear you, in your silence.

Let me be, for you want me to be.

Let me touch you, for I miss my own life.

Let me.

Let me.


Let me.

An Escape From Reality

Fireflies in her eyes, painted on the canvas of life.
A beautiful lie, inviting sins on her velvety skin.

To desire her, is to hold a flicker of light through a storm.
For she is a dream held on with open eyes.

An intangible tempest, holding war with the sunshine.
A distant wish, to hold her once, like she is, just mine.

Luscious, appealing, charming and not yet revealing.
A flirtatious disaster, her images hold a fire burning.

That light, radiance, slipping from her every pore.
Not an illusion, but an escape from reality.


To not understand her, yet be within her.
Not just touching, but caressing her soul deep.

Like her charm, speaking in sinful whispers.
Exquisite, sublime her curves, I stand submitted for her to be murdered.

Oblivious to what’s right or wrong.
She tempts without tempting to hear her breaths like a song.

Forbidden, yet a sacrilegious wish, so beautiful,
Willing to be chastised through a heinous sin.

To hold and to surrender,
To her breathtakingly adorable,
To live through my dying hopes,
Holding life,
And my will to surrender,
A dream,
To kiss,
Some moments,
Of her,
Like heaven.
An escape from reality.

Adobe Certification Exams for Photographers

Photographers have four Adobe certification exams in two different Adobe solutions from which to choose when seeking to document their professional expertise and product specific skills and knowledge. All of the available exams earn successful test takers an Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) certification, allowing them to build their formal credentials and expand their area of validated expertise in their field.

The first two exams offered specifically for photographers focus on the Adobe Lightroom platform and include the Ligthtroom 2 (9A0-125) and the Lightroom 3 (9A0-159) exams. Both the 9A0-125 and the 9A0-159 exams demands photographers not only master the Lightroom platform, but are also capable of working with other Adobe products, including Camera Raw, Bridge and Photoshop.

Adobe Certification Exams for Photographers

The remaining photography-focused certification exams offered by Adobe cover the CS5 and CS6 versions of Photoshop. The Adobe Photoshop CS5 exam (9A0-150) required candidates to be capable of manipulating images, working with graphics, and staging files for output to print and web. The Photoshop CS6 exam also demands the mastery of these same skills, in addition to working with images in preparation for output to video as well.

Regardless of which Adobe certification exam candidates decide to pursue, they should gain hands on experience with program in which they intend to test before scheduling their exam. Successful candidates also take advantage of other exam prep resources, including tutorials and practice exam sessions offered by providers like TestsLive.com.

To set on fire, her frozen lips.

To set on fire her frozen lips,
So she can feel her lost bliss.

To kill her past,
Holding her as prisoner in dead memories.

To free her soul,
Of the apprehensions and decisions.

To find tears in her eyes,
Like finding an ocean in the desert.


To breathe colour into her skin,
Of frozen blood and sin.

To make her mine,
Hers, and mine.

To set on fire her frozen lips,
So she can feel her lost bliss.