Sādhogopāl Rām: Nothing changes anything like death! And though death of a close one hurts the worst but it brings the person, who lost a close one, face to face with himself & the way his life is going to unfold from that moment on. He recognizes that self within which eventually inspires him to claim what he otherwise would've never... even dared to think.
I guess that’s the reason why the saying exist-Death is Beautiful!
Sourav C. Pandey: Death scares me! It's only weeks, someone really close to me died! Death is NOT BEAUTIFUL AT ALL! It's the end. And I don't like them!
Sādhogopāl Rām: Well, Brother.. no body likes death, not even me.. and death is indeed scary and it also the end.. But, what I meant here is the afterlife which starts when you lose someone close to you.
Sourav C. Pandey: How do you know the afterlife .. read it in books, silly hollywood or bollywood movies, that thing called god enlightened you .. no! no! no! Nothing related to death can ever be nice. I wish death DIES!
Sādhogopāl Rām: Come on, Bro. you don't need to be so cynical..and besides what you are talking is just childish. Death, no matter how painful, is the ultimate truth.
And no one escapes the cold cuddle of truth, no one.
Oh.. about afterlife.. no, i did not read it in books, silly hollywood or bollywood movies.. and No, God certainly did not enlighten me.. as its me who is expressing his own thoughts and feelings.
Tell me, do you stop living when a close relative dies?,.No, You start fresh, you take new steps.. remembering them in each one of them.. and taking courage from it.. inspiring yourself so that... when You finally start living.. you know, you feel.. that .. that someone is now smiling upon you for not giving up.
Sagar Bhanushali: Death can b termed as a later phase of life...nd a ultimate truth...
Sourav C. Pandey: Friend, not all truth are always likable. And you know childish thoughts are the purest and most honest thoughts, when one talks childish, he/she talks good.
See even you agree, COLD cuddle of truth, we HAVE to submit to it, tell me WHO wants to see their LOVED ones die?
We don't start afresh, we HAVE to, we don't stop living; we HAVE to live for the ones who love us; I really wish I could see them smile each infront of me, and don't have to live on IMAGINATIONS!
You know Sadh, due to some unavoidable reasons, I have to watch a post-mortem right infront of my eyes, the one Uncle who always taught me about behaving with humans, was treated like an object! you tell me what was NICE about that or his death at all?
If death had to be termed as a later phase of life, it wouldn't have termed death et al!
Sādhogopāl Rām: Man, I've no words, justification or for that matter argument to offer to your reply above.
I'm sorry for your uncle's death, I really am..but except my condolences there's nothing I can give you.. May be, after years and years of life living.. when you think about what we talked today.. you might realize what I meant.
And one thing, when childs talk or someone talks childishly.. they ain't honest.. they are naive.. they no nothing about life or for that matter death.
Anyways, brother.. its useless to stretch this thing over such issue. SO i would request you to please.. At Peace, brother, at peace!
Sourav C. Pandey: Dude that's fine. It was not an argument for me, just an expression. :)
And you are right, we don't always get what we want .. the truth!
Thank God I'm naive; and I'm just learning myself what the real world is like. I'm glad I could wait this long before I had to deal with reality. :)
Do not get wrong opinions, this is a chat, me and my friends had over a Facebook wall discussion, and these are general opinions, not some heated up arguments. I wanted to have some more opinions, so I just copy and posted the exact words over here. Sadhogopal Ram is one of the finest blogger I know, you can catch him blogging at - This is ARTH about everything.
PS: I am fine, but at times we need expressing our emotion and sharing them too. I know this must not have been a happy read, considering my WORST stupidity, ohh and for those who don’t know me or want to offer me some challenging new job, may read my Curriculum-Vitae ! :P :)
OFF TOPIC UPDATE – My indiblogger friends should read and let me know their opinions on this topic I posted - Too many blogging networks; a bliss or a headache? Blogging identities!