He called her a weirdo and pulled her hair.
She called him sick and kicked him in the shin.
He said she had cooties.
She said he pees his pants.
He renamed her ugly.
She renamed him a loser.
He rang her doorbell and ran.
She put a tack on his chair in math.
He pushed her books to the floor.
She kicked him in the balls.
He toilet papered the tree in her front yard.
She wrote FAG on his locker.
He videotaped her undressing in the girls locker room.
She stole his clothes during P.E.
He dated her best friend.
She dated his.
He had sex with another girl and told her how good he was.
She told him she’d already many of his friends spending nights with her.
He asked her to marry him.
She got fat .
He got drunk a lot.
She slept around a lot.
He divorced her.
She took his money.
He got really sick.
She didn’t visit.
His obituary was in the newspaper.
She cried.
He popped out of his coffin at his funeral to fool her once more.
She wasn’t at his funeral because she was attending her own.
He died inside.
She couldn’t live without him.