Any blogger or a writer’s dream !

123This is an anonymous mail (handwritten and scanned note) I received just a few days back from “An Ardent Admirer”. I kept wondering about what to reply and how to thank this person enough for making me feel so special like never before in my blogging life! And I realized a cluelessness about any reply whatsoever. All I want to say is, God bless and I wish for you all the happiness and smiles in this world always! Keep reading and writing to me friend in whatever way you want, this motivates me to write all the more, and am really glad to know that somehow my posts can be of any use to you or anyone who reads my blog! For anyone who tries to write, such love is the best prize; trust me, no money or the innumerous contests that I have won from blogging, matches even a cent of this beautiful note!

I take this opportunity to thank all my readers and well wishers too, without you all it would have been never possible to reach at this level of blogging!

This is the best blogging can get for me, at least! :)

40 people read and said:

Nivedita Thadani said...


Nivedita Thadani said...


Mads said...

This is really nice n sweet! Ur lucky! Keep writing and inspiring people :) :)

pramod lohia said...

Really, a Gem to be treasured. best wishes.

Blasphemous Aesthete said...

That was a quite letter in a pretty impressive manner from a really ardent admirer who hasn't yet lost the novelty of writing a letter. :)

Blasphemous Aesthete

Megha said...

really nice feeling it must have given you dat
u r an inspiration for some :)
n d words written dere "in love with me and my life" can make them think n fall in love with their own life keep going!! :)n njoying ur journey :);)

S said...

@Nivedita -
I am still at loss of words, and I agree nothing made me so happy as much as this mail! And your jealousy is lovely, I'd enjoy every bit of it!
Thanks, wish you all the best too! I am happy beyond words! :)

@Mads -
It's so nice to see you here after so long! Thanks and you keep smiling :)

@Pramod -
Thanks bro! Best wishes to you too!

@Anshul -
I absolutely agree with you! And this person has actually penned it so beautifully, that it left me just mum! Thanks! :)

@Megha -
Yes, out of the world! I am too minuscule to be an inspiration to anybody, though if I can make anybody smile it is much more than enough to me :)
I hope we all fall in love with our lives! Thanks and you keep smiling! :)

Hafsah said...

aww Saurav that was so sweet.. u hv secret admirers :D gud for u! this is truly the best thing anyone can ever get, appreciation and recognition. and yes you are gifted and see now it does make a difference for many people that you dont knw even exist in this world, dats an achievement. keep it up dearoo :D love ya, always follow your heart and you'll surely be always in love with yourself too and make the best out of it :)

one of ur many admirers ;)

Fatima said...

This is the best gift any individual can get!
The way the letter was penned down it had an aura of its really left me speechless !

May you have more such admires coz you really write well, that touches a person's heart n soul!

Keep Writing,
Take Care.

Anonymous said...

beautiful....mindblowing appreciation....u worth it....!!
n d person who wrote it.....for him..i can jus say....u make readers smile....atleast im having big big smile on mh face...

stay blessed.....!!

Stuti Dhyani said...

i am in love with this blogpost than anything else i have come across(in your and other blogs). its funny how the dividends you receive are more valuable and sometimes greater than your investments!
i am happy,you did justice this admirer of yours!
take care.

Tanvi said...

You know what Sourav, thats really sweet and cute, and i can't help but notice its a girl! :D

:) :)


ash89 said... sweet! This is possibly the best compliment ever!

Paulami said...

wont say its wrongly written :)

Alcina said...

Woha those are great words in honor and such a sweet and lovely way to sprinkle the love generated from within 'you'

truly your admirer he or she is :)

Anonymous said...

what a high. i wonder why that person chose to be anonymous after going through so much pains to put down such a note. You must have made a real difference to their lives

Neeha said...

That's the best award one can ever give.
So sweet:)

Alka Gurha said...

Wow..thats so sweet...

S said...

@Hafsah -
Well it's not a secret anymore! :D I never hoped of making a difference in anybody's life, but knowing such things makes me feel so loved! Thanks, love you too and take care! I am as much your admirer too! :D

@Fama -
Completely! The best, no other words to describe it better.
Thanks, I'd try writing and making sense, keep coming :)

@Tinni -
Thanks a lot! Bless her/him, am smiling non-stop too :)
You take care!

@Stuti -
So am I! Well most often than not, I have done good things without even realizing, so yeah I won't complain about the dividends! :D
Thanks to you too! Keep dimpling :p

S said...

@Tanvi -
Yes it is! And I can bet the person is a girl too! :D
Take care :)

@Ash89 -
:) Yes, it is!

@Paulami -
Thank you so much :)

@Alcina -
I am just too humbled by the way this letter was written :)

@confusedyuppie -
I choose not to ask her/him about being anonymous, it should be that person's wish entirely ! I just hope I did :)

@Neeha -
That's the best award one can ever have too! :)

@Alka -
yes! That was..

Iti said...

this is one of d best n most precious gift for a writer n yes lifetime one too.....its an amazing feeling, u r so blessed...Congrats

moonlite:D said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sh@s said...

You deserve it and you are so right in saying that such letters of appreciation are any blogger or writer's dream. Its like the "Baap" of all awards :)

Someone is Special said...

'the most wonderful gift one could cherish', Sourav, you are one of the luckiest person in this world.. SmileS...

Someone is Special

Beyond Horizon said...

Straight from someones Heart to A Beautiful Mind of yours!

And I can bet its True!

Keep Smiling, and make everyone Smile too :)

Sathish Chandrasekaran (சதீஷ் சந்திரசேகரன்) said...

I'm jealous Sourav :)

Malvika said...

In our age, a hand written note of two words is a testimony worth being proud of, this is what a chapter!!

Wow, good for you Sourav!

S said...

@Iti -
Yes, this will be remembered and treasured for one life time! Thanks!

@Moonlite -
If I was not already happy enough, you added some more to it! THANK YOU SO MUCH! :) You are one nice blogger too!

@Shas -
Thanks! Trust me it is overwhelming! :)

@Someone is special -
Indeed I am lucky! :)

@Poonam -
Thank you, if that is enough! :)

@Sathish - And I am happy! :)

@Malvika - So true, who bothers so much! This really made me feel special :)

Siddhartha Joshi said...

I can absolutely imagine how special this would be to you...beautifully written...

Stuti Dhyani said...

also the handwriting is nice! i like that too :D:D

Pri said...

a wonderful gesture...
just goes to say what a wonderful soul u must be :)

keep writing.
good luck & god bless!!

Unknown said...

This is so sweet, but why anonymous? Koi ex-girl to nahi na?

S said...

@Siddhartha -
Very, trust me! :)

@Stuti -
Okay, that was something not as good as the poem, it was too childlike! :D

@pri -
Yes, it was! And I'd be too modest to accept that! :D
Thanks and God bless you too :)

@Pooja -
Some Ex girl may do that, but I know their handwriting and they won't find so many good points about me now, since am an Ex for 'em too! ;)

Anonymous said...

Aaha!! Kya baat hai. Some cute fan of yours. She wants to be unknown yet wants you to know that it is a female. So handwritten. :P

Cute one. All the best. If at all you get nominated for the 8th wonder, you can count on me too, SCP. :)

And with that one, don't doubt me, I aint the gal .. :P

Rashid A. Faridi said...

Haertfelt Admiration.
You deserve it.

Sakhi. said...

lucky youuu!!!
whoever that was forgot to mention(or mayb i din read properly) you are the most optimistic person!

Kunal Ashok said...

Wow! That's just awesome .. You have got the writing style to deserve the letter though. Not to mention the great design of the website

S said...

@Tamanna -
Haha! So true I anyway want her to be a female! :D
Am I so wonderful or just too strange? :p :)
Now that made me think! Hmmmmm!

@Rashid -
Thank you so much! :)

@Sakhii -
True, lucky me ! :)
She mentioned it in her/his own way, and thanks to you toofor saying that! :)

@Kunal -
Thanks a lot buddy! The design hans not changed for years now, and I think with such motivation I'd be more lazy now! :D

Anonymous said...

Wow !!!
That must be such a lovely feeling for you. Even I feel all mushy inside.

Caspar said...
