And the journey begins..
{for me it began and will never end, but for the people, who'll read this will love this journey till the end} !!!
Had to catch train for Jammu at 4 in the morning (without having anyone around to wake me up), now this is some hell of a task for me !! Well as they say with every problem comes its unique solution...i decided not to sleep the whole night !!!
Dn worry i slept almost the whole day in train ... :D}
I am really grateful to my friend (who kept chatting at breaks almost all night), MTNL Broadband (for uninterrupted internet), Adam Sandler (50 first dates), Delhi Electric Supply Board, and most importantly HP (my laptop)!! Darn, how could I miss Taj-Mahal for keeping me awake all night !!!
{Cant live without any of the above-mentioned ;) and for the dumb ones reading, Taj-Mahal is the tea-brand :P}
Its 3 in the morning, bags packed, deodorant used to supplement my irregular routine of taking baths ;)

Not writing much about the auto, train journey, bus journey (from Jammu station to Katra and reaching Hotel Shraddha in Katra (Vaishno Devi).
Bus finally reached ... after a 60 km ride from Jammu to Katra (sharp turns, death valley, cloud cover, mist, police and military checks, scenic and breath-taking view and jerky ride are the words associated with this ride which took me almost 4 hours) smoked two Wills Classic as soon as i got down and as fast as i can (obsessed with the brand :D ) ... fir mauka na mile smoke karne ka shayad, u know, who smokes in front of parents...I DON'T !!!
CIGAR-commander, PLAYBOY-tellow, POLICE, BRUT are my all time fav deodorant brands, in case any of u have decided on gifting and thus helping me cut down on the water-bills ;)}
Was really happy to see Papa-Mummy idiotic brother, Gaurav didnt come, for his unexplained reasons... :(
{Gaurav wants me to go to Shimla with him soon, coz he missed out ...anyways "someone's loss is someone else gain"...u guessed it right Shimla is my next destination :)}
Was too tired, decided to rest after booking next days Helicopter's ticket to Vaishno Devi (i was excited as hell, in spite of the unbearable headache).
Day two, finally...m at the helipad, with Mum-Dad ... it was a 5-10 mins ride to Vaishno Devi, which could have other wise taken 5-6 hrs if we went walking all the way .... i was asked to sit beside the Captain in the cock-pit, as i was the youngest of all the six who were flying ...
{trust me it was an experience to remember !!! :)}
7 in the eve and we are back to Hotel, after shopping for exclusive things from the local Jammu market...Booked a car to go KASHMIR the next morning !!!
Dont believe in God's faith or presence or even spiritual or divine existence, much but this trip to Vaishno Devi helped me calm down and relax .. soothed my nerves and mind .... cleared many mental-blocks ... and somehow got me closer to The Almighty's existence if there is any !!
!! Jai mata di !! !! Jai mata di !! !! Jai mata di !! !! Jai mata di !!
Being with family anywhere is itself the best form of relief to man-kind ... Love u Mom-Dad and Gaurav always and thank you for everything :)
This trip was at the right time of my life... and it happened to be a heavenly blessing for me :)
Snow, flowers, life, smiles, Dal Lake, Gulamrg...OR KASHMIR in the next post within 2-3 days.
have been really busy taking up interviews and handling innumerable job offers lately...LOL
27 people read and said:
hey u had a grt trip...i like the way u discribed everything...while reading i could actually visualize the places described..i m jealous ....I also want to go now ..hahah :) you have a new post about your trip to jammu.
reading ur blog i realize how much i miss the train journeys here....anyways i am sure i will get lots of chances for that in future :)
I love the way u have thanked human and non human things and that Taj Mahal thing almost had me.....i guess i should consider myself dumb :P i also like the compiled photographs......the train doesnt look
Its good to know that this trip of urs got u closer to god's exixtence!
Jai Mata Di!
Kya baat hai...i am d first guy to comment...good goin bro.....trip ke baare mein sunn ke jaane ka mann kar raha hai.....looks lyk you had n awesum tym in jammu....d place is really awesum...its truly heaven on earth...u hav really described it well...
Good One Bro. Awesome description. Hv Been planning since ages to go to Vaishno Devi, But Maata Ka Bulawa aaya nahi hai. As usual u Forget to Thank me in Your Blog. Anways Hope to Read a New post Very soon. This time it Shud be regarding Your New Job.
Hiiii......By reading ur blog, i can surely make out that u had a wonderful trip.I liked the way u have started ur description in the blog.And not to forget, even ur complied pics r noteworthy.
But i feel that apart from giving a vast description abt ur trip, u should have touched a lot on ur personal level.
Anyways it is so nice to have known abt ur personal experiences.......
Wish u all the very best in all ur future endeavours.....
Good luck!
helloz......looks as if the almighty ws fedup wid ur sins (paap ka ghara bhar jaana nd stuff):...ur trip to vaishno devi ws inevitable for the continuation of existence of the mankind as u were b'cumin dangerous 4 the well being of the feminine gender.
myself been there a few days earlier nd do agree with u bout the mesmerizing effect that it has on our spiritual front.{had dreams that i was still walkin the way up to the shrine 4 almost a week}
m sure we do share the same desire to be there once again...this tym wid our spouses...coz d place is exceptionally romantic...bliv it guys.
good explanation....everyone happy...
waitin 4 the next post
i agree wid mr.ananda on some points :D
i understand, and even agree, dt d trip facilitates d continuation of mankind, however, i fail to understand how it was necessary for d well being of d "feminine gender" ?? kindly, enlighten me on d nuances of such a comment !!
on anoder note, how is it dt d chocolate fantasy cake comes widin d category, or rather on d level of importance of familial ties, whereas i have been completely denied even an inch in dt compiled collage !!
and yes, ur cheap !! very cheap !!
Going thru ur blog i cud understand how wonderful ur trip was. I could feel that u r totally in love. Love with ur mom-dad & bro, with life, with beauty, with nature, with God & evrythng else under the sun! Initially u were busy thinking of cigerettes & deodrants as if u were gng 2 miss smethng very important but once u saw that beautiful place, u were speechless & mesmerised! I felt as if u were sitting right in front of me & painting a very colourful & beautiful landscape. Gng thru the lines i felt as if there's much more 2 life than just thinking of ur day-2-day problems & troubles. Think of the bigger picture as in how many reasons we can find in simple things which can leave a smile on our faces rather than always waiting for sme BIG happiness 2 cme in our lives. Right, Mr. Pandey???
looks like u had a great time - especially the chopper ride!
Well.... starting with your blog theme its just Awesome!!
your writing perfect... your experience beautiful.... your marketing skills.... really cool.... i'll surely take some tips from you ;)
BTW.... Smoking is injurious to health :P.....
keep blogging.... :)
it seems u had a great time buddy.
description was superb. gud goin dude.
Hey dude nice blog....
tune to night ka pura animated description diya hain...
And I can understand when you say that you dont know when you can smoke again!!
readin d post made me wana tk a vacation too...!!
nuthin lik meeting folks after of d best feelings in d world...enjoy:)
Great Travelogue-luvd rdin it.
heyy thanxx 4 ur presious comment..n ur blog is too good..esp. d video..Thanxx 4 Visit..
heres my orkut ID
As brilliant as it can be :)
Humor : your best bet, when u write !
Story telling : though not so great, but is captivating ;)
Smoking : STOP IT NOW !
Your life as described : Worth living and re-living !
Aunty, Uncle, Gaurav : Hello :D
J&K : I have been to heaven too, it undoubtedly is 'swarg" !
To you : You are the best, have read your words much before you took to blogging, there is a writer in you, think about this monetarily ... I almost cried, miss you, Abhi & Sakhsi... The quality time we had together... bowling...cycling...!!
Wish you all the joys and smiles ... Bless :)
entertainly writtenn...fotos and vdeos add to the write up..keep writing..
@Ayantika : Thnx for being at the top... you are the best :)
@Ananda and Vidhu : your comments will be dealt personally and severely, polluted minds never think straight...Ananda Saale paapi, mujhe kahe ye tujhe shobha nai deta, aur Vidhu m not a rapist .. Ananda is a tharki, he views others' as his own perspective :D
@Kanika : Taj-Mahal Agra me hai, and the pics and train are genuinely Indian ... Come back to Delhi, will give u proves, with Taj-mahal tea ;)
@Saurav : your name mentioned ..happy ??? :P
@Vishes : Mai popular ho gaya hu :D
@Anu & Sindhuja : IMD special thanks !!
@Meneka : I know m good, except for the smoking part :(
@Deepika : The only blog comment friend, with similar views on life .. and smoking is luxurious to health :D !!
@Soumo : Ek smoker ka dard sirf smoker samajh sakta hai :))
@SARVESH, ADITI, SORMITA, SONIA, SAJITH: Thank you guys for reading through and posting your comments, would be looking for your appreciation always :)
It is wonderful , i was feeling like m travelling myself , ur description is awesome as usual ....
really got 2 know about Helicop trip @ Vashno devi
keep enjoying & posting...
readin this post was like reminicsing every bit of the trip i went on few days back....
was same as urs,vaishnodevi by helicopter...then jammu...then kashmir, gulmarg, above the snowline n all the border areas as well...was there for about 15 days n at the end of it i just came to one conclusion.."its worth fighting for" :)
Ys, true ... Its our crown and yes every inch of that place is worth the sacrificed lives of our brave warriors ! :)
Thanx again for the comments .. and now I'm sure going to check your blog out !!
oh .
didnt realise I had commented twice :P
oops just missed sumthing u lots sourav :) ;)
NIce post! And yes i am so jealous.. Even i wanna go ya! Anyway thr were some real good moments in your post that just made me go lol.. well written sou.. :)
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