Love is, what happens when you are around!

 Love is;
        Kissing with morning breath,

Love is;
        Brushing teeth in unison,

Love is;
        One cleans one cooks,

Love is;
        Eskimo kisses in firelight,

Love is;
        His and her dressing gowns,

Love is;
        Pictures together adorned walls,

Love is;
        Continuously sought after by many,

Love is;
        As real as the tooth fairy,

Love is;


With this love wrapped post, I wrap up my this year; with my shares of joys, wishes and some special people that I got to know. I'd like to thank you for reading, being here and being so supportive always and expect you to be around, forever. Wishing everyone a very Happy and love-filled New Year! Signing off with a wonderful quote by Sydney Smith:
"Resolve to make at least one person happy every day, and then in ten years you may have made three thousand, six hundred and fifty persons happy, or brightened a small town by your contribution to the fund of general enjoyment"

47 people read and said:

Beyond Horizon said...

Tooth fairy...Do you believe? How many times have you kept the tooth under pillow? Doing it even now :p usual love filled post...met awesome people too (you can consider yourself one of them ;)

keep expressing...wish to read yours random stupidity :p and heartfelt writing...Wish you awesome Love filled New Year...No doubt you make smile not one but many in a day :)

Lucky and Happy to be your friend :) :) :)

Blasphemous Aesthete said...

Love is beautiful. And so is this post.

Cheers and wishing you a very happy new year,

Blasphemous Aesthete

astrosunilnomy said...

love is :
everything up there in the universe

Love is :
eternal, cannot be terminated by semi colon

in C language, semicolon is the ending of statements ! hence i used colon
nice take , happy new yr too !

Punam said...

Sourav, that was very sweet, even though you had choses very unconventional phrases to depict love. Strange, but sweet nevertheless. :)

Deepika Vasudeva said...

:) that was beautiful summing up of the year...
love is... divine.
advance happy new year..
love is all we need to go around with life...
love is the thread that binds..

Raksha Bhat said...

A Happy New Year to you too Sourav:)

Different colors said...

again the same, like the way you pen down...nice one..:)
Wish you a very happy year ahead n keep writing..
wanna read a lot more..!

Priya Chilamkurthi said...

lovely post.. like like!! :) hpy new yr 2 u too.. wishing fr mor butiful posts frm ya.. gud luk fr new yr..

Dr. Pratibha Singh said...

Nice way to wish Happy New Year.

Alcina said...

So sweet..

Every time i read something regarding love from you..I always get the feeling that i am reading something which is already felt and then weaved in short sweet yet confined words to let it be but as a small little secret :)

And the pic that you have put here is one of my favorite :)

Wish you a very happy new year..may all the goodwill be spread across the land of your heart and life :)

And you surely make thousands and thousands of people smile..whether it be each moment..each minute..each hour..each day..each month..each year..each decade..each millennium..(in short time that has went by,time that is going on,time that is to come)

Ordinary Gal said...

Happy New Year to u in Advance :)

Rek Sesh said...

Love can be a myriad of emotions
and yet inexpressive
It can make one move mountains
or leave you stone cold
lucky are those that know to love, be it any form, any way...
Nice post, loved the quote...Happy New Year

Alka said...

One cooks, one clean sounds thoughts. May you find all the Happiness.

Meher said...

"Kissing in morning breath
Brushing teeth in unision."

Sigh! I'm all for romance like that.
You know what's the awesomest thing about how you write, its simple, and it strikes a chord, the right chord. =]
Fawesome you are.

Tanvi said...

You know I never thought love can also be described like this innocently by a person from this generation... :P

The post was really very lovely.. lovely love for a lovely soul!

And thanks for visiting me :) keep coming :)


S said...

@Poonam - I don't believe in a lot many things, but can't help falling for them too! ;)

Thanks! And do I really need to say this, you are one of the best people I have known this year too :)

I will, my stupidity never finds an end! Keep tolerating! :p

You make me smile too, wish you a pleasant year ahead! Take care :)

@Anshul - Thanks, love is indeed beautiful. New Year wishes to you too.

S said...

@Sunil - Thanks for adding those thoughts, and so true; love is everything up there!

Ahh, I had some lessons on C lang too, similar to the language of love, is it?

Thanks, enjoy! :)

@Punam - Thanks Punam, strange and unconventional have their own appeal to me in a wonderful way. Glad you liked it too! Happy New Year! :)

S said...

@Deepika - Thanks! Divine, yes it is..
Some beautiful phrases and feeling, love is indeed the thread that binds :)
Happy New Year to you too, take care!

@Raksha - Thanks Raksha. Take care :)

@Swati - Finally? :p Thanks! :)
Happy new Year to you too, and I want to read more from you too. Keep smiling :)

S said...

@Pria - Thanks! Seeing you here after really long! Thanks thanks! And I am wishing to see you more and a great new year for you! :)

@Pratibha - Thanks!

@Alcina - Thanks!

And every time I get a comment from you, I smile! Strange but mysterious people understand me way better and you are one of them! And yeah feelings appeal more to me then high sounding words, and yes they are well kept secrets!

Really? Coz I have something attached to those strings too!

Thank you for those wishes! And I'd share half of that goodwill with you! :)

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! The best thing I've since heard since a long time. Keep smiling and be as mysteriously sweet always :)

Alcina said...

Yeah really..

If you come at my blog see what do i mean..look at the top-left corner and you will get the answer.

S said...

@An Ordinary Gal - Thanks, happy new year to you too :)

@Rekha - Some deep words from life's experiences?
Lucky .. yeah!
Thanks for following, see you around! And a very happy new year to you too :)

@Alka - Hehe! Thanks Wish you all the smiles too :)

S said...

@Meher - Me too...
I have always believed, simpler the words the better they are expressive :)
You are a sweetheart too :)

@Tanvi - Ohkay! And which generation do you belong to Miss? :p
Thank you, and that was too lovely a comment!
Sure, hope to see you around too! Happy new Year :)

@Alcina - Just checked, would like to know your connection with the strings?

Jaspreet said...

Oh my God! I cannot believe that you've written such a sweet and heartfelt post..I am so touched by each every word of it.Totally loved it...
"Love is;One cleans one cooks"
Happy new Year :)

ananth said...

hey..nice post man..and u know u can make a whole nation happy if u keep on writing like this ;) I really envy u..:)

Unknown said...

wow........ its so touchy.. i must say u r an awesome writer... lov d way u hv expressed it.. just few lines bt hv explained every single meaning..... good one i will save it fr myself .....:)

Anonymous said... is:)

Wish you a happy new year!

Arpana said...

May the happy quotient of life smile at the fullest in 2011 in entire universe!Happy new year!

Unknown said...

Hi a very touching post, very real, and simple but something that we don't get to witness very often in life. wish there was more love around, to receive not just to give.

Wish u a very "lovely" new year.

Delhizen said...

That's indeed a lovely way to wrap up 2010 and welcome 11!

nandita prakash said...

nice thought- make one happy everyday.
i tried doing that but i also make at least ten unhappy evryday
now u calculate in the end of ten yrs how mant enemies will i have?
nice post buddy
really sweet

S said...

@Jaspreet - Just coz I keep making fun of everything, you are so surprised? :p
Thanks! And happy new year to you too :)

@Ananth - Ahh! Dude, I am not so generous, and you are being really kind :p :)

@Nidhi - Thank you! Save all you want, just remember my tea! :p

S said...

@Nehha - Kind of surprised to see you here, thanks! And a very happy new year to you too :)

@Arpana - And I wish your wish gets true. Happy new year to you too!

@Pooja - "wish there was more love around, to receive not just to give" - yes, love is really scarce out there! Wish you one 'lovely and bright' new year too :)

S said...

@Delhizen - Thanks!

@Nandita - You sure agreed on that thought, and made me happy! Forget the ones who deserved to get what they asked for, too many negatives make a positive anyway :p

Thanks a lot Nandita :)

Anonymous said...

awwwwieee! :D verrrrrrrrrrry nice! happy nuu year mamaji :D

Sharmila said...

... such a lovely post - love really can make the world go dizzy but for some it may bring pain ... not that i have any - just a thought !!

Keep up the good writing :)

Megha said...

lovely :)
wish u a Happy n lovely new year 2011!!

Anonymous said...

Delightful post. :) Would agree with everything except his and hers dressing gowns.

irfanuddin said...

Love is for LOvables....!!! Lovely post...

a very happy new year to you...

read more in my Blog....

Nyx said...

The simplest yet the most meaningful one. You wrapped up your year with a very beautiful thought Sourav! :)

Glad to have known you :)

Have a blessed year!


Punam said...

Happy 2011, Sourav, hope all your wishes come true. Thanks for visiting my blog. :) I hope to read more of yours as well.

S said...

@Anonymous - Thanks! Same to same Shruti :D

@Sharmila - Thanks! Love makes you experience life, the real version, nice thought! :)

@Megha - Thanks! Glad to see you back. Happy New Year to you too :)

@Comtesse de la Rouche - Thanks! And why won't you agree on that?

S said...

@Irfanuddin - True thought, thanks and happy new year to you too! :)
Wonderful, will sure check back :)

@Nyx - Thanks! As happy to know you too, you too keep smiling! Hugs and prayers.

@Punam - Wish you the same for you too. It was my pleasure. Happy New Year to you as well :)

Sarah malik said...

cute post...short but expressive! so happy to see that u held onto love for blogeshwar :)
may this new year bring in reasons ans seasons full of love for u! good luck!


MuddassirShah said...

not my cup of tea :P
Glad that they didnt make love as the topic .

you ve got some power over words man!!

Sweta said...

love love love... :)

best of luck for Blogeshwar!

Vivek Singh said...

baki sab to theek hai bhai par kissing with the first morning breath.. brush karne ke baad kissing karna thora zyada achcha rehta :P
good one..

Nivedita Thadani said...

its not LOVE, its mutual understanding and its essential for happy life,
sorry Sourav, I can not agree here.