To love and live happily after, ever.

"Let’s just go away, somewhere?"
               "From where?"

"From here, to anywhere"
               "Yes, we may. But.... Tell me where do we go?"

"Does that really as long as we’re together?"
               "It does, really!"

"No, it doesn't. We must take one step at a time and then one more and another and see where we reach."
               "Okay. But.. what if we find ourselves reaching a place worse?" 

"Then we walk, again. Not so hard really, and probably we'll end up in a better place that we'd like some day and…”
               "We live happily ever after!?"

"Not too sure. Something may happen, or go wrong again. And we’ll have to move.."
              "Oh! Then.. what?"

"Nothing. We keep trying, keep walking until some day...."
              "Some day...?"

get lost devils-horizon

"Some day we will.." 
              "Will what?"

"Live happily after, ever."

2 people read and said:

black.barbie said...

People committed to each other are always willing to do things for each other against all odds. "The most wonderful of all things in life, I believe, is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a glowing depth, beauty, and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing, it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of Divine accident." - Sir Hugh Walpoe on Relationship quotes

black.barbie said...

People committed to each other are always willing to do things for each other against all odds. " The most wonderful of all things in life, I believe, is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a glowing depth, beauty, and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing, it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of Divine accident." - Sir Hugh Walpoe on Relationship quotes