When the walls broke,
When the guns roared,
He held her close,
Closer Still,
When a bullet
found a hole
In his heart,
Holding her tighter
When more bullets
Gave birth
To many streams
Of fresh blood.
His spirits still
Haunt the charred house
His ghost
Missed the muffled cries
Of a dishonored woman
Tied for pleasure
In the barracks
About the author:Shreya Chatterjee is a writer by profession and a poet at will, apart from inventing newer ways of experimenting with creative expression. When not writing, she prefers traveling, reading books by fellow writers and reviewing the same and catching up with friends. Her debut book "Musings of a Wanderer" has been reviewed, appreciated and featured by qualified professionals. Get a glimpse of her writing on her blog at “A journey called…” or “A Vagabond and A Wizard”
4 people read and said:
@Shreya Chatterjee:
After reading this piece of writing, I looked at the picture above for long...
The agony, the pain, the words say it all... At the end left me feeling heavy at heart :'(
@Sourav: Nice one (the guest post) :)
I love the hint of Imagination trickled into the mind of the reader..about the woman.."dishonored"..
depth... awesome
Loved it !!
Intense and awesome.
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