..and then a Pop!

Big, bigger, biggest and then a pop

Oh come on, please stop.

You looked at me and there was a smile

Do you think this is worth the while?

I take my hand out of the pocket for the gum

You just giggle and stick out your tongue.

Big, bigger, biggest and then a pop

Enough now, you got to stop!

I move one over to be closer to your seat

So did you, closer right by me.

Another bubble and I rolled my eyes

Stop it if you're sensible and wise.

Then I tried reaching for the gum inside your mouth

You tried pulling but could just pout.

Your lips meets mine and so our tongue

This time, I’d get it, will find that gum!

My tongue roamed aimlessly inside your mouth

Till I found the candy and my heart shouts.


Chew what was once, your's

You glare at me down to my core.

Swallowed the gum, it is now gone

Didn’t you know this was coming all along.

Damn! You had another stick of gum

I’m scared, frozen and very numb.

And so you laughed, my efforts in vain

Don’t worry, I’d that back again!

Big, bigger, biggest and then a pop

Oh come on, please stop.

2 people read and said:

Sony said...

superb nice one ...rolling around a smooch and bubble gum

Mahi S said...
