Being me…

                                  Each moment...

                                                   Each day...

                                                           You grow, like everyone I see...

                                      I notice how you change...

                                                                            But never did I...

                                              Do you know why...

                                                                    Probably, you don’t...

                                    Yes, all I can do is cry...

                                                                            So do you...

                                                     But our tears are different...

                                          My tears are just blood...

                                                                That is all, that seeps...

                                                          From my eyes, otherwise so bright...

                                               As I cry...

                                                                                 Be scared of me...

                                                                       But pity me too...
                                  Because I am...


                                                                          I am a...


1 people read and said:

the factfiction said...

Nice but dunno y feels incomplete