You have a new notification, says Facebook!

It helps you connect,
And share with the people in your life,
Between people who you disregarded once
And those who love you and are being loved!

I login to never ever logout,
To look for the whereabouts',
Or for that red mark, called notification
Isn’t this just a hollow passion!


Wait! I have a text message,
To inform me I have a old-new friend,
Who once wished me every morning,
Will just write birthday wishes on my wall!

Ohh! I’ve been tagged,
It must be some old school picture,
Do you want to see,
It was a cat’s picture, they thought was funny!

Facebook as you Like it,
A presumptuous way to forget,
Of all the known and unknown,
I might not have even heard or met!

12 people read and said:

Sakhi Shah said...

Sakhi Shah has liked your post.


Urmi Pakalpati said...

Sourav totally in love with Facebook as well ... me too ... its just so much a part of my life now ... even if i wake up in the middle of my slumber, i'd reach out for my phone first to check for 'notifications' and 'likes' ...

Poulomi said...

Awesome this is :O :D

IceMaiden said...

‎"It was a cat’s picture" kyun likha??????? :( :( :( :( :( dogs picture nahi likh sakta tha.... :( :( :P

Timeless Memories - My Bygone ! said...

Hmmm i these days wonder.. wt if FB was not there, coz i guess these more than calling up old frnds 2 knw their updates, FaceBook is the place i look for.. totally in love

Anonymous said...

Only a fellow facebooker and understand this madness...and I do!

Priya Chilamkurthi said...

Addicted I am to FB.. sometimes to blogging too :D yeah what is in with a cat n why not dog :(

Anonymous said...

So true. People are so busy with these virtual communities that they hardly find time to wish you everyday. It is the birthday that reminds em of us that we even exist.

The people we meet and the smiles we share in real world are so precious than those smileys and avatars on our computer screens na?

Good one SCP. :)

M in love said...

truly addicted to facebook I am!! can understand the desperation to check the notifications!! I hv been tagged in every silly pic right from a candle to a baby!! :P its become such an addiction that no matter what I come to do online I always land up on fb!!

Anonymous said...

as alwayz d best...

Discovering M said...

"hollow passion" - so true..

Reshma said...

nyc... :)